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Hamm, Julia
The Ad Hoc Group
RE+ Master Speaker Series: Delivering Power to Zero Emission Vehicles at Scale: Perspectives from the Charging Infrastructure Ecosystem
Location: California Ballroom CD, Level 2, Hilton Anaheim
Julia Hamm
Hanafy, Ahmed
Dunsky Energy + Climate Advisors
The Art and Science of Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Forecasting
Location: 209AB, Level 2, Anaheim Convention Center
Ahmed Hanafy
Hanes, Spencer
TechTalk: Innovations in Long Duration Energy Storage
Location: 211AB, Level 2, Anaheim Convention Center
Spencer Hanes
Hannegan, Bryan
Holy Cross Energy
Grid Futures: Two Truths and a Lie
Location: 213AB, Level 2, Anaheim Convention Center
Bryan Hannegan
Harper, Matt
Invinity Energy Systems
TechTalk: Innovations in Long Duration Energy Storage
Location: 211AB, Level 2, Anaheim Convention Center
Matt Harper
Haubenstock, Arthur
Office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains, U.S. Department of Energy
Integrated Insights Across US Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains
Location: 210CD, Level 2, Anaheim Convention Center
Arthur Haubenstock
Haxthausen, Eric
U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA)
Federal Financial Resources for U.S. Technologies in Global Clean Energy Projects
Location: California Ballroom D, Level 2, Hilton Anaheim
Eric Haxthausen
Funders Breakfast
Location: Platinum Ballroom 7 & 8, Level 1, Marriott
Eric Haxthausen
Hay, Charlotte
Solar and Storage Industries Institute
Are Utilities Fully Accounting for Future Load Growth? A Case Study Analysis
Location: Industry Trends Theater, #A63093, Hall A, ACC
Charlotte Hay
Hayes, Cary
REC Group | Americas
RE+ Master Speaker Series: Mobilizing Risk-Tolerant Capital to Lead the Energy Transition: A Fireside Chat with Alex Honnold and Cary Hayes
Location: California Ballroom CD, Level 2, Hilton Anaheim
Cary Hayes
Hayes, Christina
Americans for a Clean Energy Grid
FERC Transmission Planning Reform Ruling: Love it or List it?
Location: 210AB, Level 2, Anaheim Convention Center
Christina Hayes
Haynes, Rusty
Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA)
Batteries Included: Transforming Homes into Resilient Power Hubs
Location: 209AB, Level 2, Anaheim Convention Center
Rusty Haynes
Healey, Ben
Reaching the "L" in LMI: Exploring Financeability of Low-Income Clean Energy Projects
Location: 210CD, Level 2, Anaheim Convention Center
Ben Healey
Hecimovich, Gary
Washington National Tax Office, Deloitte Tax LLP
IRA+: What's New in the IRA Era
Location: 210CD, Level 2, Anaheim Convention Center
Gary Hecimovich
Heflin, Pilar
Creating a Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Workforce: Lessons Learned and Pathways to Connect
Location: Industry Trends Theater, #A63093, Hall A, ACC
Pilar Heflin
Heisz, Máté
SolarPower Europe
Trade Update: Navigating Impacts for the Clean Energy Industry
Location: 210CD, Level 2, Anaheim Convention Center
Máté Heisz
Henderson, Brett
Preparing for Solar Decommissioning: Strategies, Policies, and Best Practices for a Sustainable Future
Location: 210AB, Level 2, Anaheim Convention Center
Brett Henderson
Hernandez, Kevin
ScottMadden Management Consultants
Introduction to Electric Vehicles (Additional Ticket Required)
Location: 210A, Level 2, Anaheim Convention Center
Kevin Hernandez
Herod, Mike
Fluence Energy
Building a Sustainable Supply Chain for Solar + Storage Projects
Location: 213CD, Level 2, Anaheim Convention Center
Mike Herod
Heuer, Joerg
EcoG GmbH
Integrating Vehicle-to-grid Functionality as a Key Element to the Energy Transition
Location: Electric Drive Theater, #AL66000, Arena Lobby, ACC
Joerg Heuer
Hillman, Todd
FERC Transmission Planning Reform Ruling: Love it or List it?
Location: 210AB, Level 2, Anaheim Convention Center
Todd Hillman
Hill, Utopia
Trailblazing Clean Solutions for Community Empowerment
Location: 213CD, Level 2, Anaheim Convention Center
Utopia Hill
Hinchey, Byron
EVS, Inc.
TechTalk: Importance of Hydrology Studies in Determining Project Viability
Location: Installation and Operations Theater, #D29101, Hall D, ACC
Byron Hinchey
Hoen, Ben
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Navigating Nationwide Siting and Permitting Regulations
Location: 209AB, Level 2, Anaheim Convention Center
Ben Hoen
Hohenstein, Ray
Fluence Energy
Forecasting Battery Performance: A (Big) Data Approach at Fluence
Location: Storage Central Theater, #50095, Hall B, ACC
Ray Hohenstein
Holland, Jeremy
One Juice, Two Squeezes: Construction Considerations for Hybrid EV/H2 Fueling Stations
Location: Electric Drive Theater, #AL66000, Arena Lobby, ACC
Jeremy Holland
Holmes, John
American Honda Motor Co.
TechTalk: Moving V2X to Scalability
Location: 212AB, Level 2, Anaheim Convention Center
John Holmes
Honnold, Alex
Honnold Foundation
RE+ Master Speaker Series: Impact in Action: From Grassroots to Grid-Scale
Location: California Ballroom CD, Level 2, Hilton Anaheim
Alex Honnold
RE+ Master Speaker Series: Mobilizing Risk-Tolerant Capital to Lead the Energy Transition: A Fireside Chat with Alex Honnold and Cary Hayes
Location: California Ballroom CD, Level 2, Hilton Anaheim
Alex Honnold
Horton, Matt
Electrifying the Customer Journey
Location: 213CD, Level 2, Anaheim Convention Center
Matt Horton
Howard Kutzer, Ellen
Colorado Solar and Storage Association (COSSA)
Navigating Nationwide Siting and Permitting Regulations
Location: 209AB, Level 2, Anaheim Convention Center
Ellen Howard Kutzer
Howe, Campbell
Loan Programs Office, Department of Energy
Funders Breakfast
Location: Platinum Ballroom 7 & 8, Level 1, Marriott
Campbell Howe
Howes, Megan
Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC)
New Options for Veteran Recruitment: SkillBridge Training Programs and Apprenticeships
Location: Industry Trends Theater, #A63093, Hall A, ACC
Megan Howes
Huber, Lon
Duke Energy Corporation
DERs and VPPs (Retail Rate Design for VPPs)
Location: 213AB, Level 2, Anaheim Convention Center
Lon Huber
Hughes, John
Trane Technologies
Designing a Heat Pump for DC Microgrids
Location: Grid Edge Theater, #A61027, Hall A, ACC
John Hughes
Hussain, Asim
TechTalk: Revolutionizing Energy Storage: The Potential of Solid-State Lithium-Metal Batteries
Location: 211AB, Level 2, Anaheim Convention Center
Asim Hussain