Electrical Engineer Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland, Washington, United States
Solar power plant operators and owners are increasingly deploying digital automation on their operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT) systems and networks. Without a method to assess the maturity of their resilience programs, solar power entities may not be able to meet their goals for a timely recovery from major cyber or physical events.This session will demonstrate the Sol-ReMM tool that allows solar power decision makers and subject matter experts (SMEs) to quickly (within only a day or two) self-evaluate the programmatic maturity of their resilience program. Sol-ReMM allows users to identify areas of strength and weakness in their resilience program, spot gaps between actual performance and management expectations, encourage cost-effective enhancements for existing resilience programs, and monitor progress toward achieving programmatic resilience goals. Sol-ReMM discourages a stove-piped approach for resilience and support a balanced program that integrates and addresses cyber, physical, and natural events.